As you know, we are not concerned with non-Catholics; the Consolidation Department takes care of them. Unfortunately, among natives Spaniards there are still few who are faithful to Lucifer; the abominable custom of baptizing newborn infants is ingrained in their mindset, and true apostates are scarce. To compensate for this devastating situation, our friends at the UN in recent years have provoked a massive influx of followers of our Prophet Muhammad into the reconquered territories of Europe. Yet, despite the planned invasion of Mohammedans and the exemplary campaign of our Propaganda Department, the great majority of souls in Spain still officially belongs to the Enemy. In order that you may be more fruitful in the temptation of the souls assigned to you while you work in Spain, I propose to speak of the category into which nine out of ten Spanish souls fall. Spain, as a newly reconquered territory, is full of what Central Command calls the Catholic in name only (CINO), who is Catholic only because he or she was born in a culturally Catholic country and was baptized as an infant. I know that this is studied at Tempter School, and that most of you understand perfectly, but I would like to repeat it for the benefit of those who have been transferred from territories that have always been faithful to us. The CINO nominally adheres to the Catholic faith, but has never given it any serious thought. He almost never goes to Mass and rarely thinks about the Enemy. As long as his neighborhood parish, where he was baptized and received his first communion, is still standing, he cares not about the state of the Church.
The CINO must be encouraged to continue living as if the Enemy did not exist. We have invented all manner of technological distractions, so that he never has a moment to think about the ultimate meaning of his life. Thanks largely to the Council, in the last few decades in Spain we have enjoyed a submissive episcopate. Moreover, I can assure you that without the active collaboration of a significant part of the hierarchy of the Spanish Church, it would have been impossible to achieve in such a short time all the advances that you now see: the secularization of the country, the reorientation of its laws, which now directly mock the Enemy's Commandments, and the paganization of customs. Since the death of the detested Francisco Franco, who did our cause so much harm, in Spain we have progressively increased the welfare drug, while simultaneously trying to ensure that the CINO never comes into contact with the message of the Gospel. To this end, the Propaganda Department has done a tremendous job, purging the mass media outlets at our service (which are practically all of them) of any references to the Other, whose name we do not pronounce. We have filled television with comedy programs, fantasty shows with vampires and dragons that are totally devoid of morality, flashy films with no meaning (but full of sex scenes and gratuitous violence), reality shows in which the most vulgar, shameless contestant always wins, and debate programs in which the "experts" pretend to argue, when in fact they are all paid to say exactly what our Ideology Department dictates to them.
The demons who come from missionary countries or territories where our Great Leader has always reigned, often have difficulty understanding the CINO who lives in a reconquered country. Each year there is a petition, asking Central Command to return the CINO´s to the Consolidation Department. They argue that it is not necessary to dedicate so many resources and personnel to souls that in practice are already in our Kingdom, and that tempters should work exclusively on souls in the power of the Enemy. Each year Central Command rejects this request and repeats the order that the CINO´s are a separate category, who require the attention of tempters. Newcomers tend to underestimate the damage that negative cultural inertia causes us. Our desire is logically to erase from the Earth any vestige of the social reign of the One whom we hate so much and whose name we do not utter; until this is achieved, we should operate with great caution in societies that preserve elements of their spiritual roots that are contrary to us. A lapse Catholic who lives in a territory that was not long ago fully in the power of the Enemy, is like a man who gets lost in the coutryside, despite signs that show him the way. If it ever occurs to him to look at the signs and follow them, he will no longer be lost and will arrive at his destination. We cannot allow the cultural remains of the Enemy´s Kingdom to speak to souls. The key is to DISTORT the aspects of a culture that are favorable to the Enemy. I will give you a couple of examples, so that you can better understand this.
Some of you may find it a problem that the CINO has social commitments that require him to attend Mass from time to time. In general terms, the Mass is our worst nightmare, and we fight for its complete eradication all over the world. However, since there is still a long way to go for this to become reality, we tolerate the CINO's to be married in the Church, we allow them to baptize their children, and to take their children to receive the sacraments of initiation, as long as they do not take it too seriously. In fact, diluted sacraments produce excellent results; by reducing the Mass to a social event, any awareness of the sacred disappears, and in these ceremonies true communication with the Enemy, that odious practice that they call "prayer", is totally absent. The Special Forces of the Temptation Department, the highly trained demons who are in charge of those souls consecrated to the Enemy, have reaped wonderful fruits in this distortion of the sacraments, especially in funeral Masses; the priest, if he is friendly to our cause (and in Spain most of them are), canonizes the deceased because "he was such a nice man", thereby neutralizing any desire to pray for his soul. In this way, we also thwart the best chance the Enemy has of reminding the CINO of the Four Last Things; out of four, only one is left: that horrible place they call "Heaven". It never hurts to repeat the first rule you learned at Tempter School: souls should never think about our Home, where we have a place reserved for each of them, if they follow the Broad Way. We can insinuate this type of thought to the typical CINO: "if we all go straight to Heaven, why bother to obey the Commandments and to acquire the virtues, which are so tiresome?" In the two or three Masses that the CINO will hear each year, sermons could be a problem, but the Special Forces have taken care of that; the priest will not bother anyone. With very few exceptions, the sermon will be little more than: "God is good and we should love each other, God is good and we should love each other, God is good and we should love each other, God is good and we should love each other, God is good and we should love each other, God is good and we should love each other ... " You have surely studied that in humans a combination of repetition and banality produces a hypnotic effect which is very desirable for our cause, if our prey is listening to a sermon. We want the brain of the CINO to disconnect little by little during the Mass. In this way he will be safe from the noxious effect of the Enemy's Spirit and will never leave Mass thinking that he ought to change something in his life.
Another example, which will undoubtedly be familiar to you, of how to distort unfavorable cultural elements of a reconquered territory, is what the Propaganda Department has done with Christmas. The campaign to expel the One we do not name from Christmas began in the United States of America, a territory that has never belonged entirely to the Enemy, where we have great influence, especially in Hollywood and the music industry. Thanks to globalization, the effects of this campaign were soon noticed throughout the world, even in territories that were still in enemy hands. We substituted authentic Christmas carols, that sang about a Child in a manger, for worldly songs about snow, reindeer and other nonsense. It was an amazing success! As you know, in English-speaking countries even very hostile souls swallowed it. This reaffirms the old saying: "a spoonful of sugar helps the vice go down". Unfortunately, in Spain it cost us much more than in the USA to dilute the religious meaning of Christmas. This was partly due to the cultural barrier of Franco´s regime, and partly because of harmful traditions, such as the Nativity scene and popular Christmas carols. With Franco's death everything became easier. Central Command ordered us to counter these negative Christmas traditions with unbridled materialism, and the strategy worked marvellously, largely thanks to the television and to retail companies like El Corte Inglés, that helped us to identify Christmas with consumerism. Nowadays there are many Spaniards who say they hate Christmas (I get a thrill every time someone says that!), when what they really hate is spending huge amounts of money on ridiculous, unnecessary gifts and eating until their stomachs ache. Our success has been so complete that now children associate Christmas with greed and adults associate it with gluttony and drunkenness.
All we have to do to prevent the CINO from waking up to the Enemy´s presence, who is always vigilant, is make sure that he has no immediate practical needs. If he has just enough to make ends meet, if he is able to pay the bills, his food, schooling for his children, and (very importantly!) the small vices that help him get through the week, this Catholic will continue to live in a very positive way, despite never rising to any spectacular level of sin. It is worth remembering what you were taught in the Temptation School: a soul in hand is worth two in the bush. If with one mortal sin we manage to bring a soul home, frustrating all the Enemy´s plans, that is to be prefered to a life full of delicious sins, if in the end the soul escapes us. I know it may seem boring, especially for those of you who come from territories where our Leader is openly worshiped in broad daylight. In reconquered territories we must be very careful, and remember that the CINO, appart from being a greater prize than an unbaptized soul, can wake up at any moment to the inspirations of the Enemy's Spirit. We are tremendously fortunate that human beings, unlike us, are unable to see the indelible seal in the soul that baptism produces. If they could see it, our work with lapsed Catholics would be practically impossible. I tremble at the thought of the power that a CINO has at his disposal. Our task should always be to prevent him from knowing his true potential. In the meetings of the DCC [1] of Spain we have agreed that the strategy to follow here is this: anesthetize our prey by all possible means.
Spiritual anesthesia is our best weapon in reconquered territories. Hopefully the day will come when we can see human sacrifices in the main squares of Spain. For now we should be content with the sacrifices that are carried out behind the doors of abortion mills, which are also pleasing to Our Leader. I know you hate the Spanish; so do I. But sometimes hatred is not enough; we have to have a plan and know how to bring it to fruition. Our tactic should be to maintain a low profile, to be discreet, to insinuate ourselves instead of forcing wills. Like that we will hurt no one, unlike the marxists who stir up revolutions everywhere. The danger of the marxists, however much we like them, is that they provoke unpredictable reactions in other souls. I have presented several complaints to Central Command due to the awkward and poorly calculated actions carried out by the Progress Department, that have spoiled years of painstaking work in thousands of souls; as a result of an outbreak of revolutionary violence, in a matter of hours countless souls realize that the Left has been lying to them for years, they begin to question our dogmas, they look for answers on the opposite side and we lose them. That is why I voted against the creation of the new political party, Podemos. Despite some pyrrhic victories, it has caused us serious problems amongst lukewarm Catholics, who are beginning to openly reject the Left. It would have been better to leave the political landscape as it was; in Spain the PPSOE [2] has yielded very good returns and I think it could have stayed that way for many more years. Now, due to the radicalization of the Left, a new party has emerged, VOX, which dares to call itself a Right wing party, and threatens to destabilize the regime that we have built with so much effort. VOX will have to be watched closely, and I believe that a special team of tempters is already working on perverting their leaders.
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"Bush es el demonio", dice la pancarta de Hugo Chávez. "Me alegro de haber podido aclararte algunas cosas", dice el demonio. |
You, as minor demons, do not have to decide on national matters, but individually tempt the souls in your charge. The spiritual anesthesia that you must apply to the CINO must reaffirm his self-esteem and confirm his decision (conscious or not) to follow the Broad Path. It is very effective to whisper tranquilizing messages in his ear, to congratulate him for his serenity, his good sense in the face of problems. We usually say things like such as:
Well done! You don´t get worked up just because things aren´t going well with your wife, because your children disrespect you. That´s perfectly is normal nowadays, all your friends are in the same boat. You are a good chap, people like you. Nobody cares about your petty sins.
We must administer him a small dose of our favorite sin, pride, so that he feels satisfied with his mediocre life. But be very careful not to overdo it; an excess of arrogance in a CINO causes more problems than it is worth. We do not want him to stand out in evil, only that he is sufficiently protected from the force that the Enemy calls "grace". Our job with the CINO is a slow, patient one. Day by day, week by week, year by year, we suck all his life force, leaving nothing but a husk of a man, unable to rebel against our power, even if he wanted to. He ends up in complete surrender to his sins and vices. Never forget that we have all Eternity to slowly torture the souls we win in Our Home, where their pain will be as terrible as unending.
With no further instructions, allow me simply to wish you great success in your new destination. I convey to you all my undying hatred, as well as my hatred towards all human souls and, above all, towards the Enemy and His Mother, the .......... [3]
[1] Demonic Central Committee
[2] Amalgamation of the two major official parties of Spain, the PP (Popular Party), the conservatives, and the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party).
[3] It is the custom of demons to finish their communications with a blasphemy. Following the editorial policy of this web site, this blasphemy is censored.
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