Cristo de la Luz

Cristo de la Luz

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

The Devil is Left-wing

Today the terms "left" and "right" are constantly used to identify the two opposing sides of the political struggle. This is problematic for several reasons. Firstly, because very few really know what it means. For some it is about morality; for others it has more to do with the economy; and for others it is mostly linked to a model of the State. The truth is that it has to do with the three aspects, as I will explain later. Secondly, because the parties that today are considered "right-wing" are not on the right in a genuine sense. They are rather conservative; that is, they seek only to preserve the status quo, instead of changing things for the better. This is because, as they are relativists, without an absolute moral standard, they lack a truly right-wing vision. And thirdly, it is confusing because there is an agenda behind the left that is usually hidden. They present us with political proposals that are no more than bait for the masses. The politicians on the left are not sincere, neither in their motivations nor in their objectives. What all the leftist parties really pursue is the Revolution, but this is not normally disclosed, because it would be too radical for most of their voters and they would lose popular support.

In other articles I have spoken of the false dichotomy between the right and left-wing parties, which in modern democracies are nothing more than different packages for the same product. Does this mean that the true right does not exist anymore? Of course it still exists, but it is very difficult for it to gain political representation, because the global powers do everything possible to crush any organization that is truly on the right. They always mange to replace them with a false opposition; they neutralize the real opposition with a controlled opposition. In fact, the right only survives in small cells of society, scattered among countries, without a central leadership. The right survives in every soul that opposes Satan's plans to impose his New World Order, in every soul that fights against the Revolution, which is essentially the destruction of the Christian social order.

In Argentina we recently saw how the Revolution lost a battle, when the Senate of that country rejected the legalization of abortion. The left and the false right, all the mainstream media and the entire system were in favor of legalizing abortion. Not even the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which should be the beacon that guides the faithful along the right path, seemed too interested in stopping it. Many bishops were silent, not wanting to "get involved with politics." However, the right prevailed. It was thanks to the prayers of millions of simple believers and the mobilization of anonymous citizens. In this case, they represented "the right"; an orphan right, without leadership, without great financial backing, and without the support of the media.

To know what it really means to be right-wing, I think we have to know the origin of the idea. Many think that the terms right and left go back to the times of the French Revolution, when in the National Assembly, those who defended the Ancien Régime sat on the right of the rostrum and the supporters of the Republic sat on the left. It is true that it was from that time that these terms began to be used in politics, and it is true that the two pillars that supported the old regime, the monarchy and the Church, are closely linked to the concept of the right. However, the idea of ​​right and left, as two opposing worldviews, is much older, and it is not enough to be monarchical and Catholic to be on the right. I would say that the idea is as old as Humanity itself.

A fundamental passage is when Our Lord speaks about the right and the left, in reference to the Final Judgment:
When the Son of man comes in his glory accompanied by all his angels, then he will sit on his throne of glory. All the nations shall be gathered before him, and he shall separate one from another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right, and the kids on his left. (Matthew 25: 31-33)
For our discussion, this Gospel passage is extremely interesting, because those who are destined for salvation are those who are on the right hand of Our Lord and those who go to eternal damnation are those on the left. One could object, saying that Our Lord was not talking about politics, and that any comparison between this passage and our current political situation is mere coincidence. I do not think so. The Sacred Scriptures, like no other book, have the virtue of being relevant in very different times and circumstances. Popular wisdom has always referred to the left (the sinister) as something evil and dangerous. It is also striking that in European languages, the root of the right (the right hand) and right (synonym of correct or straight) is the same. If the right is associated with righteousness, the left is all that is crooked. In popular culture, the right represents honesty and moral responsibility, while the left represents lies and illegitimacy.

In this sense, being on the right means sticking tenaciously to a moral code, instead of always opting for the easy path of selfishness. The victories of the left, or the Revolution, which we have said are the same thing, are always through the same temptations; appealing to the seven deadly sins, the masses are promised a better life. To give some examples, the triumph of the revolution of Luther in the sixteenth century had very little to do with theology, and much more with the greed of the monarchs and aristocrats, who stole the extensive lands and properties of church. The French Revolution was concocted by atheistic philosophers, but it triumphed amongst the people thanks to the sin of rage, a resentment and diabolical hatred, centered on the person of Louis XVI. The different communist revolutions during the twentieth century were achieved thanks to the sin of envy. No communist leader recognizes it, but deep down that is what moves them; knowing that "the rich" have more than them. The proof is that, as soon as they rise to power, the first thing they do is become new rich. The sexual revolution of the sixties was evidently achieved through the sin of lust.

Nowadays, knowing what lies behind the left´s slogans, it is easy to identify the temptations that its politicians use. Like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, they tell man that he "has a right" to this and the other; they raise their voices to demand an equitable distribution of wealth, to demand justice for the poor. History repeats itself. The masses fall into their temptations and then, when they discover that the dictatorship of the proletariat has brought only death and misfortune; when they discover that the left has not made the poor richer, but has impoverished everyone; then, it is too late, because when the serpent comes to power, it never lets go. Conservative politicians only protest that the left is "too radical", without going deeper into the issues. All of their warnings sound like immobilism; they oppose change because change scares them, or because they are comfortable with things as they are now. The false right is incapable of dismantling the arguments and countering the lies of the left, because, unlike the left, they lack a long-term political vision. Actually this false right is not opposed to the plans of the left at all; at best it manages to slow them down or stall them, and when it comes to power after a leftist government, rather than undoing all the evil the left has caused, it leaves everything as it is, thereby consolidating all the "progress" of the Revolution. This is what it means to say that the policies of today´s left are the policies of tomorrow´s conservatives.

The second interesting aspect of the Gospel passage of Saint Matthew is that Our Lord identifies those on the right with sheep and those on the left with goats. Sheep and goats have very different characters; the former are docile to the orders of the shepherd, while the latter are by nature rebellious. With this metaphor I think Our Lord means to say that the essential attitude we must acquire if we wish to be saved is docility to the voice of God. The voice of God for the infidels, for those who have never heard the Gospel, is their conscience. For those of us who have heard the Gospel, in addition to our conscience, there is the Word of God and the teachings of His Church. He who is docile to that voice, and seeks to do the will of God, will be saved; whoever rebels against that voice and insists on doing his own will, will be condemned.

In Christian iconography, Jesus Christ, the obedient Son, is represented as the Lamb of God. In contrast, the Devil, the eternal rebel, is represented as a goat. Modern Satanism is not ashamed of this symbology; the depiction of Satan as the Billy Goat appears constantly in satanic images, especially in the music industry. The fans of heavy metal music, a 100% satanic style, popularized the hand gesture of the horns, in reference to the Devil. This hand sign has now become so normal that any celebrity can make the sign of Satan, and nobody bats an eyelid. It is an indication of the Demon's growing influence on the modern world, in which the majority chooses to follow the path of the left and live like goats, instead of the path on the right and be sheep.

Now that we have seen the origins of right and left, we must answer the question: what does it mean to be truly right-wing? If we can understand exactly what the Revolution is, promoted by the left, we will know what the right has to be: the opposite. One of the best works about the Revolution is that of Monsignor Gaume, a French bishop who wrote about the Masonic conspiracy in relation to the French Revolution. The Revolution is defined by Monsignor Gaume thus:
I'm not what you think. Many talk about me and very few know me. I am neither carbonarism, nor rebellion, nor the change of monarchy into a republic, nor the substitution of one dynasty for another, nor the momentary disturbance of public order. I am neither the cries of the Jacobins, nor the furores of the Mountain, nor the combat of the barricades, nor the pillage, nor the fire, nor the agrarian law, nor the guillotine. I am neither Marat, nor Robespierre, nor Babeuf, nor Mazzini, nor Kossuth. These men are my children, but they are not me. What they did are my works, but not me. These men and those things are transient facts inasmuch as I am a permanent state ... I am hatred of all order that has not been established by man and where man is not king and god at the same time.
This is the key: the subversion of any order that man has not established. Those who reject God's order in a certain sense can be said to be apostates, because they deliberately reject the gifts they have received from their Creator. What God has arranged in our lives includes:

  • Our race. In the West there is a war against the white race, and many native Europeans have assumed a sense of guilt for the mere fact of being white. An insidious marxist view of history, that blames the West for all the world´s problems, lies behind this hatred of European culture, and by extension the native white European peoples. This hatred towards the white race has become so extreme that wearing a T-shirt that says "It's OK to be white" is considered an act of racist provocation. Being on the right necessarily implies being proud of the race that your Creator has given you, whatever it may be. Only miserable leftists apologize for being white.
  • Our sex. Social engineering against the biological notion of the sexes is today another battle front in the war against the Revolution of the Left. Gender ideology tries to convince us that being a man or a woman is a cultural invention, and that there are no essential differences between the sexes. Therefore, according to this absurd theory, a man can decide to become a woman, and vice-versa. This attack on human biology itself is the lastest stratagem of Satan in his attack on God´s Creation. We who are on the right must reject this perverse ideology with all our strength. Those of us who are men must cultivate masculinity, and women must aspire to be as feminine as possible. There is no room for ambiguity or compromise in this area.
  • Our family. The left seeks to destroy the family, partly because without families their indoctrination plan will work better (it is easier to manipulate disconnected individuals than groups with strong ties to each other), and partly because it hates everything that is sacred, everything that comes from God. God intended us to be born into and live in families. The family is where we learn everything that truly matters; it is how the Faith is passed on from generation to generation. The Son of God wished to experience family life as a man when He took on human flesh. Through the legalization of adultery and divorce the left weakens marriage, and through propaganda from the mass media, it promotes contraceptive methods, pornography, and generally trivializes sexual relations. The left pretends it is in favour of the family by arguing that there are now many different models of families, including homosexual families. This is no more than a trick of semantics, for there is only one possible model of the family: the NATURAL family, that results from the union of a man and a woman. Everything else is a mere mockery. The right must stand up to the tide of filth emmanating from the mainstream media and entertainment industry. It must defend the sacredness of marriage and the family at all costs.
  • Our homeland. The left advocates for a world without borders, a multicultural utopia. This globalist movement is based on hatred towards the very notion of a homeland. Just as no one chooses their race, nor their sex, nor their family, no one chooses their homeland. It is something that is given to us, that God has arranged. With a homeland comes a history and a cultural heritage. Leftists hate popular traditions, because they help to identify people with a specific region or country. The globalist left would like us to be interchangeable, rootless beings, like McDonalds restaurants, which are exactly the same anywhere in the world. In this way one of the original objectives of Freemasonry would be reached: the abolition of nations and the establishment of a world government. Naturally, the right must oppose the globalists and defend the sovereignty of their nations. Right-wingers must demand that governments control their countries´ borders, especially if their countries are being invaded by thousands of immigrants every month, as is currently happening in Europe. Right-wing people must celebrate their cultural heritage and fight the pernicious influence of multiculturalism.
As for other aspects, such as the economy or the model of State, the left as always prefers what best serves to advance the Revolution. In economic matters, this can be summarized in a nutshell: the more taxes, the better. The left does not really believe in the right to private property, which allows it to justify the confiscation of more than half a worker's annual income. When a government, with the idea of ​​"distributing wealth better", takes money from one group of people to give it to another, it is simply a form of THEFT. Although right-wingers are obliged to oppose socialism, not only because it constitutes a system of state-sanctioned theft, I am not encouraging people to stop paying their taxes. That can only be considered as a last resort, because it is a route that leads directly to jail.

The economic policy of the left leads us to the model of State that it usually implements: a macro bureaucracy with millions of officials, handling a high percentage of gross domestic product. In other words, exactly what exists in Spain, for example, whether the left or the false right governs. Traditionally, taxes have been used to pay for the military defense of the nation, for justice, which includes security and public order, and for infrastructures. Everything else is excessive and leads to socialism. Government benefit programs, social services, education, health, culture, and let´s not forget propaganda, require huge amounts of money in taxes, which drain the middle classes (as they say, neither the rich nor the poor pay taxes). Grossly over-sized governments and runaway public spending are favoured by the left, because collectivists always want to concentrate power in the State; this way it is easier to control the citizens. The same happens with gun control, a preferred cause of the left; it is more about controling people than about controling guns. The left prefers disarmed citizens, because that way they are defenseless against the abuses of government power. It all comes down to this; The left always seeks to control the population, in order to implement totalitarianism, where every aspect of daily life is dictated by the government.

The right should always push for small government, with limited powers. It should promote private initiative, especially in small companies. Citizens should know that the State is not there to take care of children or grandparents, nor to take care of the unemployed; that is up to families, communities and, in exceptional cases, charitable organizations. The right, unlike the left, has to demand from citizens individual responsibility, based on the principle of subsidiarity, as Pius XI teaches in his encyclical Quadragesimo anno. The left, with so many free aid programs, deliberately creates addicts to state assistance (which we all pay), knowing that people who depend on the government will always vote for leftist parties. In countries with a welfare system, buying votes with other people´s money is a constant feature of democracy, and there is no leftist who is not an expert in this tactic. In contrast, the right should encourage personal autonomy and demand that the State only take care of what is strictly necessary.

I could finish by summarizing everything in one sentence: to be on the right, you have to be counter-revolutionary. This concept, explained brilliantly by the great Catholic intellectual, Plinio Correa de Oliveira, goes to the heart of the matter. If the left fights without truce to advance the Revolution, that is, the destruction of the Christian social order, we, the right-wingers, have to fight AGAINST that Revolution. There is no need to invent anything new. It is as easy as looking back to a time when society was governed by the laws emanating from the Gospel, a fully Christian society. When has there been such a thing? According to Pope Leo XIII, European Christendom of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was exactly this.
There was a time when the philosophy of the Gospel ruled the States. At that time the efficacy of Christian wisdom and its divine virtue had penetrated the laws, institutions, morals of the people, infiltrating all classes and relationships of society. The religion founded by Jesus Christ was placed firmly in the degree of honor that corresponds to it and flourished everywhere thanks to the benevolent adhesion of the rulers and the legitimate tutelage of the magistrates. (Immortale Dei)
The path for all counter-revolutionaries to follow, for all those who consider themselves to be truly on the right, was laid out more than a century ago by the great Pope St. Pius X: Instaurare omnia in Christo ("Restore everything in Christ").

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